Thursday, December 10, 2009

Interpreter of maladies - by Jhumpa lahiri

This is the first book by Jhumpa and it is a collection of 9 short stories. The book has won the Pulitzer prize for Fiction 2000, truly deserves one. Her prose is scintillating and so meticulous that she can write a short story on just combing your hair. She helps us a lot in visualizing the vicinities where the story dwells through her amazing endowment on describing every character, every place, every mood in detail. kudos to that. The title might suggest that all the stories carry only maladies, No thats not the case, not all of them falls on that line, the stories are coated with sensible humor, irony and impersonal compassion. I was gratified (thanks to those reviews i read which urged me to buy this book). My Favorite stories are : "A Temporary matter" and "A Real durwan".

disclaimer : the image is solely owned by the publisher of the book

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