Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chetan Baghat - Making me read like never before

    "He is making Indians read like never before" - Times of India

     That is one of the blurbs i read on the "Praises to the Author" page in his maiden book (as writer) "Five point someone" and so is it for me as a reader (its quite a long gap so i would admit it as maiden). I didn't understand the truth hidden on that review until i finished reading that book. For a rookie reader to finish a book in 2 sittings :-) is something to crow.

 The credit goes not to the reader but to the author who dumped so much indulgence on it.The moment i finished FPS, i was craving to read all his publications so far and i did that too. In the next 4 days i quenched my thirst by reading all his 4 publications on the trot.

Next thing I did, Logged in to Orkut and registered myself as a member to one his fans community. For those, who are used to Paulo coelho, Jhumpa Lahiri...etc this post of Praising Chetan Baghat might sound as a heap of amplified statements but for me he is the one who kindled the Passion of reading in me, so I have to be, I should be and I will be all praises for him.

    I wouldn't declare his narration is impeccable rather I would say the blemishes are trivial though.He certainly will make the book a worthy buy, by putting us many times in a Nostalgic situation and will make us smile,frown,pity,long and what not. His prose is more of pragmatic rather than a fabricated one and thats what helps us to relate to situations at ease. When you could easily relate to the situations, you are more attracted to the novel and the author, thats where chetan baghat scores. I am thankful to him for inducing in me one of the celebrated and healthy addictions - "Reading". He has made me to read like never before and I am certain he would have made such impact in many as that blurb reads.

disclaimer: the images are solely owned by the Publisher of the books

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