Saturday, April 17, 2010

A healing song

      A human being may have million superior qualities and capabilities over other living beings in this very earth, but of them all i personally believe that understanding music is the most distinguishing and gifted ability. A good music can light up your senses, it can magnify your happiness, can be soothing when you are in grief and on top of all it keeps you calm and more human.Thanks to Mozarts and Beethovans.I always believe no music or musician can be compared with each other. Every single piece of music that reaches inside you beyond just the ears deserves its own respect and accolades. The one posted below is one such composition from Yuvanshankar raja, he is immensely talented and still haven't got the recognition what he deserves. He deserves far better rewards for his soul-stirring melody numbers.

       As far as me, this is yuvan's best, the best tune that such a illuminating lyrics can get.It lists always on top of my selections.

Hear it, It heals......

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